“Chinese Factor”Whirlwind inBritish School
On Dec. 8th,2015, the Year 8 students in Durham School, Britain had their second Chineseclass. The theme in this class is traditional Chinese festivals. Menglu Wang(Chinese teacher) and Yan Ren(English teacher) gave the students vividpresentations and various classroom activities.
The Britishpupils have experienced traditional Chinese culture through the excitingdemonstrations and interesting videos. When introducing the Spring Festival,the teachers showed the couplets made by the students in No.7 Middle School andtaught them how to put up the couplets. When it came to Dragon Boat Festival,the teachers mentioned the cultural difference between “Long” and “Dragon”.Long is the symbol of power and courage while dragon is usually the evilcharacter in western culture.
The most excitingpart came when the teachers taught the students how to make a paper cut of theChinese character “Xi” and joked with them that “it was their wedding presentin the future.” The children got very passionate and active, and were greatlyimpressed with the traditional skill.
The class ended in apleasant red atmosphere. The Chinese Factor has again struck the heart of thechildren around the world. This is another breakthrough for the internationalcommunication in our school.
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