AmericanFriends International, Second Baptist School visited Chengdu No.7 Middle School
On February 27, 2019, it was a beautiful day. Mr. Keith CarMichael,President of Friends International and director of the Second Baptist School inHouston, Mr. Mark Terry, vice President and director of School curriculum, Ms.Margo Womac, secretary general and executive director of the association andother educational friends came to our School for exchange. Principal li Xiaofei,vice principal li Juan, director Zeng Changchang of the administrative office,director Wang Xiangyu of the international exchange center, and English teachersZhong sha and Yang xiaohong warmly welcomed the education colleagues from theUnited States on behalf of the school.
The guests first visited the academician square, the multimediacreative space, the financial laboratory, and so on. Principal Li Xiaofeiintroduced our school's educational philosophy and characteristics to theguests. Video "Life 2018" fully demonstrated the rich and colorfuleducational and teaching activities of our school, and then Principal Li discussedthe hot educational issues with the guests. The guests expressed their highrecognition and appreciation of the school's philosophy and achievements.Principal Li Xiaofei and Mr. Keith Car Michael exchanged gifts on behalf ofboth schools.
Later, Keith Car Michael provided some students from Junior One andTwo with an international understanding course - a very American style cultureclass. He compared the cultural differences between China and the United Statesin terms of American education, school life, learning system and learningstrategies, which opened a window of a different world for the children.Students also asked questions about the topics they were interested in class,and the classroom atmosphere was relaxing and active. After class, the Americanguests were full of praise for the excellent performance of the students in theseventh grade. They praised the children for their motivated learning state andcomprehensive English ability, which made them have a new understanding andimpression on the basic education of junior middle school in China.
The visit ended in a pleasant atmosphere. At the time of departure,the American guests expressed their sincere admiration and appreciation for theadvanced ideas, beautiful environment of the campus and the comprehensiveabilities of the students. Meanwhile, they also expressed their willingness tofurther deepen the cooperation and international exchange with our school ineducation.
The future of cultural communication between us is bright. Hope wecan fight for the common educational dream hand in hand, for a better future.
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