Winter to Spring,with pleasantly warm Spring breeze, everything rouses up from sleeping.
At the moment ofrenewal, our school is pretty comfortable in the shining sunshine of the morning.
As the New Yearbegins, our teachers and friends set sail from a new start with new hopes,goals and dreams. On Feb. 21st, at 8:00 am, the whole school teachersand students were attending the opening ceremony on the playground and lookingforward to the new semester.
Sunyu,Director of Students Development Center is presiding the opening ceremony.
Embracethe sunshine, start the journey
Flag guards rose our National Flag andschool banners with the hearts of responsibility and missions. How proud we arewhile watching the flags fluttering under the blue sky accompanied with themajestic national anthem.
flag-raising ceremony
Oath ofa concerted effort on the stage, determination of striving off the stage.
In the new age, every one of us are supposed to strive for our successand pursue our dreams down-to-earth. Our principal Xiaofei Li addressed us withintense emotions. In her address to the ceremony, To be dreamers of the newera>, Ms. Li warmed every one’s heart.
It is dreams that are the due spiritualpursuit of times. It is insistence that leads us to success. It isresponsibilities that drive us to step forward. We do remember the threeproverbs from Ms. Li. Every one of us has been making great efforts to buildour campus like a boat sailing against the current,and wewill keep on, never stop.
PrincipalXiaofei Li is giving a speech
Keepwhat we promise, pass on to a new generation
The student representatives from our threegrades proceeded from their actual conditions and took the vows to make ourway.
In our best years, we enjoy the freedom topursue our dreams without regret. Our teenagers showed lively the flash dancewith the students from the school of Hong Kong Sao Paolo at the airport duringthe winter holiday. What invincible the youth is!
We have seen a warm seasonreturning after a cold one. The seeds we lay in the winter is becoming roseswith the sun’s love, just as we set sail from a new start and expect a great harveston the next shore. Let’s strive for next brighter future together!
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